Amber is waiting for a home

Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Tortoiseshell / Domestic Medium Hair
15 weeks old

Amber is a very affectionate kitten. She is a purring machine, master biscuit maker, and social butterfly. It only takes her one minute to warm up to a stranger.

Amber was found alone in a backyard, meowing desperately day and night. Apparently she was then a two month old furry ball who somehow got lost from her mom. She was a little bit scared when we first took her in. However after a couple of days, she allowed us to pet her, play with her and started purring loudly and showing her belly to us.

Amber is very affectionate to people, including kids. She is also doing well with other cats in the foster home.

Amber is currently living in San Jose, CA 95132

Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)
Amber w/JL (PCW #2150)

Please note:

  • Amber is not a Peninsula CatWorks cat, so do not contact us about her. We cannot vouch for her personality or health status. For more information, or to meet Amber, please fill out an application form and her caregiver will contact you in 24-48 hours.