Cats needing a home are shown here and on the national
websites. Please note you must comply with the requirements at the bottom of this page. Required fields are in bold.
Contact for Listing
Contact Name: |
Phone #: |
| (Please include the area code.) |
E-mail address: |
Cat Location
Where is the cat living now?
City: |
Cat Description
Cat's Name: |
Shelter ID #: |
Gender: |
Date of birth: |
Breed: |
Color: |
(if not included in the breed name above)
Coat length: |
Size: |
Photo(s): |
We require at least one recent digital picture of the cat, but you may include up to 10 pictures. Note:
The ideal picture is in color, in focus and must be in JPEG, GIF or PNG format. We will resize the picture as needed if it is too large.
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
Add picture
Personality: |
Please describe the cat's personality, it's most appealing qualitities and any noteworthy quirks a potential adopter should take into account.
History: |
Please describe the cat's story to date, how you came to be caring for him/her, and why he/she is in need of a home.
Ideal home: |
Please describe an ideal home for this cat, including whether or not children are acceptable and if, so their minimum age; whether or not other cats or other species are desirable or necessary; and the cat's need for attention, play time, etc.
Special needs: |
Please describe any special needs this cat has, current medical conditions, and anything else about which you would want to know if you were thinking of adopting this animal yourself. If the cat has been tested for specific diseases, include the results of those tests.
[ top ]
I/we confirm that this cat has been spayed/neutered. |
I/we promise to respond to inquiries about this cat within 48 hours. |
I/we promise to notify Peninsula CatWorks by email to or by calling (408) 831-2280 within 24 hours of any change in status of this cat. |