Rocky is waiting for a home

Rocky w/JL (PCW #2148)
2 years old

My foster mom is calling me Rocky but you could change it to anything you like. I'm a big brown 2 year old tabby weighing in at 12 lbs. I get along fine with other cats and with people.

I was found abandoned. My owners were located through the shelter where they had adopted me but they did not come to claim me. The reason is unknown but it is a familiar story. I'm now living in a foster home with other rescued cats also looking for homes.

I'm a very well-behaved youngster, but I can play kinda rough. If you are OK with my tough guy attitude and have a good sense of humor we could get along just fine. My foster mom trained me to go to my own little spot when it is dinner time. I go there, eat, and wait patiently until I am allowed to "leave the table". I really don't care that much about other cats as long as they stay outa my face. I would like a home where I can be active and play and burn off some energy.

Rocky is neutered, fully vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped, and tested negative for FIV/FeLV (common kitty diseases). Please respond to this post if you are interested in meeting Rocky. Or e-mail his foster mom at

Rocky is currently living in San Jose, CA 95125

Rocky w/JL (PCW #2148)
Rocky w/JL (PCW #2148)

Please note:

  • Rocky is not a Peninsula CatWorks cat, so do not contact us about him. We cannot vouch for his personality or health status. For more information, or to meet Rocky, please fill out an application form and his caregiver will contact you in 24-48 hours.