Dollar is waiting for a home

Dollar w/MH (PCW #2138)
Domestic Short Hair
Black Black
5 months old

Dollar is a 5-month-old Domestic Shorthair with a lively and playful personality. He’s full of energy and loves to explore, making him a delightful companion for anyone looking to add some excitement to their home. He’s also great with other cats, fitting in easily with feline friends.

Dollar was rescued from the street with his siblings when they were about 5 weeks old. He spent his next 4 months in a shelter waiting for the right adopter, but no one came forward. Considering the limited capacity at the shelter due to the kitten season, we decided to foster him.

Dollar is friendly to other cats and not afraid of strangers. He is energetic and loves to play with others.

Dollar is currently living in San Jose, CA 95134

Please note:

  • Dollar is not a Peninsula CatWorks cat, so do not contact us about him. We cannot vouch for his personality or health status. For more information, or to meet Dollar, please fill out an application form and his caregiver will contact you in 24-48 hours.