Simon is waiting for a home

Simon w/LS (PCW #2117)
Maine Coon Mix / Tabby
Black, brown, orangey belly
2 years old

Mellow, snuggly, loves to lay in sunbeams, sweet and gentle, hops and runs when he gets the zoomies, sometimes chases leaves or imaginary objects. Very loveable.

I rescued Simon when he showed up cold and hungry where I volunteer. I fully expected to keep him forever, but I am being forced to move to a rental, and I can't have him.

Simon loves everyone, people, cats, dogs. He likes to hang around your feet so kids running might trip over him. He is unflappable, the king of cool, so any relatively calm home will suit him. He does fine alone when you're at work or away for the weekend, but when you're home he generally just wants to be near you. His favorite play times are late morning and evening. Afternoons are mostly for power-napping.

Simon was ill when he was rescued, but tested negative for all major diseases, and just wound up with allergies. We know what they are, so we've adjusted his diet, and he takes a 1/mo shot. Our vet showed us how so we do it at home, and it's no big deal. A vet tech will give it for a few dollars too if that works better.

Simon is currently living in San Jose, CA 95124

Simon w/LS (PCW #2117)
Simon w/LS (PCW #2117)

Please note:

  • Simon is not a Peninsula CatWorks cat, so do not contact us about him. We cannot vouch for his personality or health status. For more information, or to meet Simon, please fill out an application form and his caregiver will contact you in 24-48 hours.